According to the rules and guidelines of the PTET office, all the important documents should be presented in original as well as two sets of their attested photocopies.
The graduation certificate and mark sheets (of all the three years)
Date of birth certificate.
Releasing order from the respective office if working elsewhere.
Admit-card of PTET
Mark-Sheet of PTET
Call letter
Certificate of S.T., S.C, O.B.C., Handicapped should be attached and presented.
1. a- If a student has done her graduation from any university other than Mohanalal Sukhadia University, Udaipur will have to present her migration certificate from that University of she will have to fill in the registration form within a week from the date of admission and send it with the requisite payment to the University through the College.
3.b- If the students passed the final (third Year) year examination of graduation from any University outside Rajasthan, than, she will have to fill the eligibility form with the admission form and send it through the college to the University with the requisite payment.
2. It is unlawful (not allowed) to sit for any examination of state services, private services, or any other University of board after the admission other than B.Ed, after admission in B.Ed. Programme. A Student can also not go for any kind of course other than B.Ed, after getting admission; her admission would be cancelled immediately.
3. If a person is employed in any state-service or any other kind of job, she will have to bring the relieving order during admission and only after can pay the requisite amount of fees of admission would be cancelled immediately as soon as she is found guilty.
4. A student should get certificates and documents checked by the concerned officer incharge and get the admission order from the Principal. She should get the registration number by showing the payment (of fees) receipt and attain the admission card with attested photograph on it by the Principal. The Students will be responsible for the safety of the admission card.
In special circumstances, duplicate admission would be issued on the payment of Rs. 10/-(Rupees ten only)
5. Pregnant women should not take admission in the B.Ed. Programme.
Rules & Regulation
Attendance Rules
It is Compulsory for all B.Ed, students to attend all classes and activities during the session including open air session.
No Leave will be permitted during main activities viz. Micro Teaching, Open Air Session, Practice Teaching & Block Practice Teaching.
No Activities will be repeated for any students under any circumstance. If any student fails to attend any activity, she will be responsible for it. She will loose the marks allotted for it.
75% of attendance is compulsory. Every student teacher will be allowed to appear in the annual examination only on completing the required attendance as prescribed by the University.
Irregularity in attendance will affect from marks of all activities.
Every student is expected to maintain decorum & good conduct of behavior with in college campus.
If a student is absent for seven days continuously without permission, her name would be cut from the call roll register. She will have to re-enter her name in the register after paying a fine of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only).
It is compulsory for the students to be present in the assembly.
According to the rules of the University, U.G.C. and N.C.T.E., it is compulsory to have 200 (Two hundred) working days and 75%(Seventy Five percent) attendance.
Other Rules:
Every candidate for admission must satisfy the Principal that the circumstances of her family are not likely to interfere.
Be punctual and maintain discipline in the college.
The college welcomes suggestions through suggestion box.
All other rules and regulations framed by the College should be followed.
Admission in B. Ed. training is through common entrance test conducted by PTET, state government of Rajasthan